Distance Calculator:

This page is to help plan training runs on the All Purpose Trail (APT) in Rocky River/Mill Stream Reservation. Click on the locations where your run will start and end, and the calculator will display the distance between those 2 points, both one-way and round trip.

Landmarks were measured to their centers (middle of the bridge, intersection, etc.) as much as possible. I've included some info on possible amenities—note that latrines and particularly water may not be available year-round.

The calculator defaults to starting/ending at South Mastic parking lot (where the Second Sole group often meets for Sat. AM runs), but you can click on any start and end point you want. Hint: if you're planning to run from a central point, out one direction and back and then out again in the other direction, select the 2 end-points in each direction to get the total distance.

Landmark [start] [end]  
Detroit Rd./Marina Parking Lot (bathrooms at Marina)
Bridge #0, by dog park
I-90/Hilliard bridge (overhead)
Bridge/fjord #1 (latrines)
Hogsback Lane
Old fjord parking (fishing spot)
Tylor Barn
Bridge/fjord #2
Lorain Rd. bridge (overhead)
Road crossing by Little Met entrance
(water by golf course)    
Big Met parking lot entrance (bathrooms E. off APT)
Wooster Rd.
Puritas/Mastic Road crosswalk
One-way distance:
North Mastic Parking lot, N. entrance (latrines, water E. off APT)
North Mastic Parking lot, S. entrance
South Mastic parking lot (latrines, water E. off APT)
I-480 bridge (overhead)
Brookpark Rd. (overhead)
East-to-west road crossing Valley Parkway
Shepard Lane
Nature Center parking lot entrance (bathrooms, water W. off APT)
Little Cedar Pt. Rd. (latrines, water)
Bridge/fjord #4
Lagoon parking lot, N entrance (latrines W. off APT)
Lagoon parking lot, S. entrance
Spafford Rd.
Bridge/fjord #5
Willow Bend picnic area (latrines, water E. off APT)
Bridge/Fjord #6
Falls Lane
Valley Parkway/Barrett Rd.
Bagley Rd.
One-way distance:
Mulberry St. bridge (overhead)
Bridge St. bridge (overhead)
North Quarry Lane (latrines W. off APT)
Wallace Lake Parking lot, N. entrance (water E.; also bathrooms, water W. off APT)
Wallace Lake Parking lot, S. entrance
South Quarry Lane (latrines)
Bridge/fjord #7 (before Eastland Rd.)
Railroad trestle (overhead)
Whitney Rd. / covered bridge
Pearl Rd.
Bonnie Park Entrance/Albion Rd. (latrines, water W. off APT)
Chalet Entrance
I-71 overpass bridge
Handle Rd.
Rt. 82
Royalview Lane
W. 130th St.
Station Rd. Bridge (bathrooms, water)
One-way distance:

Distances are approximate, as measured using GoogleMaps Pedometer, and spot-checked against my GPS. The measurements are close enough for planning training runs, but probably not good enough to do accurate time trials. I'm trying to get a wheel to measure more accurately this summer. See you in the park!

Feedback/corrections to: fluxmonk [at] gmail [dot] com